Guidelines for the Papers Presenters

Each presentation lasts 15′, questions included (12-13′ of presentation). There is no specific format for the presentation, you can freely use your template. Please prepare your presentation (both ppt(x) and pdf) and describe yourself in 3-4 lines in a text and send them both to the Chair of your session and to before the beginning of the session. Please check your connection, micro and camera at the beginning of the day.

Guidelines for the Posters Presenters

Each presentation lasts 2′. There is no specific presentation, your poster will be shown to the audience. Please describe yourself in 3-4 lines in a text and send them both to the Chair of your session and to before the beginning of the session. Please check your connection, micro and camera at the beginning of the day.

Guidelines for the Chairs

Please introduce each author before the beginning of her/his presentation. Then, please regulate the time of the presentation and also the questions of the audience. The questions can be after each presentation or all together at the end of the session. Please pay attention of the total duration of the session. Please mute the micros of the audience and deactivate their videos in case of low bandwidth. Please check your connection, micro and camera at the beginning of the day.

Guidelines for the Audience

To avoid sound problems, please keep you micro muted during the presentations and unmute it only if you ask a question. To avoid connection problems in case of low bandwidth, please keep your camera off and activate it only if you ask a question. Please check your connection, micro and camera at the beginning of the day.

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