You have to enter your name and your email to connect. Normaly the link leads directly to the conference room without passwords.

Please use latin characters for your name.


Room A

Meeting link:


If necesssary, you can use the following information

Meeting number: 2734 375 0152

Password: rEcJ4TRMg34

Host key: 163093

Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll

+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2

Access code: 2734 375 0152

Host PIN: 9219


Room B

Meeting link:


If necesssary, you can use the following information

Meeting number: 2730 830 8354

Password: Hgr3CUbrP53

Host key: 177863

Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

+30-21-1990-2394 Greece Toll

+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll 2

Access code: 2730 830 8354

Host PIN: 9219

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